India for Elephants

Today I did something I have always wanted to do. Something I had put on my life's bucket list. Today I road an elephant. An elephants has always been one of my favorite animals and I even have an elephant hair ring I purchased in Africa when I first saw the beautiful animals. I not only got to look at these beautiful animals here in India painted with bright colors all on their faces, but go to sit on top of one. An advertisement from the book, Branding India, describes these elephants perfectly: "Just how do you paint a canvas that's 10 feet high, over four tons and does not stand still."

I slide on top of my elephant named Lachea, 45 years old, strapped on my seat belt, which consisted of a metal road hooked in front of me, and road for thirty minutes to the top of a mountain. Naturally, the elephant moves slowly, which was just perfect in order to soak in the views of the beautiful area we were in. We were just outside of Jaipur overlooking green lush mounting and water. My heart sang with joy. Surrounding the area we were in was a wall that looked shockingly similar to the Great Wall of China. As if the view couldn't get any better, we arrived at our final destination: a palace that began construction in the 17th century. Not only was the view incredible on the side of these mountain, but the details inside this palace were amazing.

My favorite part was the mirrored room. The mirrored room had carvings, intricate cutouts, and hundreds of different shapes mirrored. I was told that candles used to hang in this room and the room before me seemed to sparkle as I imagined that scene.

My elephant Lachea took me to the top of an absolutely wonderful morning journey. The more I see this country and the forts and palaces, majority of them constructed in the 17th century, I realize how beautiful the structures in this country used to be and how romantic India is.


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