
I saw my first bull fight today. Actually, to rephrase that, for the first time I saw five bulls get killed over a span of two hours. After a weekend in the beautiful Costa Brava where I went boating, hit the beach, and explored the coast line cliffs, I finally stopped running around. I am the energizer bunny cracked up on cafĂ© con leche every day. It’s absolutely fabulous. I am in awe of the beautiful world that God has created. So many times I look around me with the people I am with and I just can’t stop smiling at the backdrop I am sitting at. The most amazing moment I had this weekend was walking in my just my bathing suit along the coastline cliffs Cadaques, a small quaint town in Costa Brava where Salvador Dali lived. Exploring is my favorite thing and I loved walking along the coast, staring out into the turquoise clear Mediterranean water, watching sail boats and windsurfs pass by, listening to the waves crashing below, and seeing the sun glisten off of the water. My feet hated me and I thank my callused skating feet for allowing me to walk barefoot along the hot edges. It was one of my favorite moments to sit there along the edge, my skin baking in the sun, and for that moment I looked out over the water without a care in the world.


  1. I randomly found your blog as I was reading the article on Carla's appointment as head coach. I'm a former synchro alumni from 1998 and am in love with traveling the world and the incredible life experiences you receive from it through the people you meet. East Africa and Kuwait are by far my most memorable. I don't know if you're taking questions from the peanut gallery here but can you give a little background as to what you're doing in Spain and what you hope to accomplish in your summer there? How did you pick Spain to be your summer home? How did you meet or connect with your host family? Is this a Miami program? I did the now defunct Laws, Halls & Associates in London the summer before my senior year and it was a wonderful experience. Thanks!

  2. My major at Miami is International Studies and Political Science and the International Studies department requires you to study abroad for at least 8 weeks. I have a spanish background and need to language for my international studies degree. For some reason I always knew I wanted to live in Spain and I chose Barcelona because it is on the water and looked absolutely beautiful! I am trying to work on my spanish minor here as well as just learning about living on my own in a foreign country! I am doing this through a program called ITS (International Studies Abroad) which my school accepts credit from. I think it's a fabulous idea to live in a foreign country for some time in your life. It's opening up my eyes and I love it.

  3. Cool. Thanks for the response and I look forward to following your journey over the summer. (Already bookmarked this as a 'favorite' pressure). You'll love having this documentary to look back in year's to come.


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