
I did my body a huge favor today: I went for a run. Well, a run with occasional walking. I ran along the boardwalk of the beach before dinnertime and absolutely loved it. I found out that I sweat just as much here in Barcelona as I do at home. And what else would my day be without a little bit of exploring? I found the neatest park with a river, metal sculptures, awesome real estate surrounding the park, and the most unusual benches. Best part of my day: sitting on a swing meant for children about 100 pounds less than me and swinging next to my friend Brandon. The coolest thing I saw were these metal boxes that you could step on and hit different music notes with. It basically would have been my childhood dream playground =) After that we found a fantastic mall with restaurants that I know I am going to hit up soon and then proceeded to hop on the tram to get home. I had no idea the tram even existed until today. Funny how life just continues to surprise me.


  1. Ahh, to be young and be in Spain. If only it were so.

    Enjoy your last few weeks!

    P.S. - I write this lying down in bed with a dog plastered to my side. I'll let you guess which one.


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